Statement on the Entry of Humanitarian Aid

2022-07-10 19:07

Statement on the Entry of Humanitarian Aid

Russia, allied with the Assad regime, continues its aggression against the Syrian people. After a long series of brutal massacres, it has committed against innocent people all over the country; by using all kinds of weapons. This time, it is deliberately trying to starve the Syrian people by depriving them of their right to humanitarian aid -which is in dire need- due to the deteriorating life conditions in the country. 

Russia today is bargaining with the international community to achieve special gains at the expense of the Syrian people. Therefore, the international community must not allow Russia to manipulate the humanitarian file and make it above bargaining. Especially after Russian plans have become exposed to everybody that it wants to close the last border crossings and prevent the entry of aid through Bab al-Hawa crossing to northern Syria. Russia wants to restrict its entry to regime-controlled areas under the pretext of entering it through the lines of contact; in order to seize and steal this aid after all their efforts to beg for support and reconstruction funds failed.

Millions of Syrians are living in tents in the northern Syria areas, most of them live in tents; they were displaced by Russia and the criminal Assad regime. They are experiencing tragic humanitarian conditions. There are women and children without breadwinners, and they are in dire need of such assistance. Therefore, depriving them of it will make the humanitarian situation even worse than it is now.

The Syrian people will not be in need of such assistance if the international community fulfills its duties in finding a political solution to the Syrian tragedy in accordance with international resolutions, which emphasize the achievement of political transition and the departure of the regime and all criminal forces. However, the continued inaction since 2011 has brought the situation to what they have reached.

The United Nations with all its organizations -especially the General Assembly and the Security Council- must all be up to the responsibility towards the Syrian people, and not allow Russia to persist and destroy what remains of human values. In addition, find another way to enter humanitarian aid, and find a solution to the Syrian file that will end the suffering of the Syrian people on all levels and put an end to all such practices.


The Syrian Interim Government

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